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Nutrition and Dietetics in The Lifeline Hospital function to accelerate the recovery process and maintain a quality health condition for our patients. Imparting healthy eating knowledge, diet planning, diet modifications, exercise guides, and nutritional counseling are our major duties.  The eating habits of each patient is monitored for recommending nutrition courses to give optimum nutrition supply for vitality and health. Custom nutrition plans are set for patients based on their age, gender, physiology, and medical history. The Lifeline Hospital focuses on dietary and nutrition plans for infertile couples, mother-to-be, children, and patients with specific health conditions to maintain a higher quality of life.

Couples treating infertility are recommended diet plans and physical activities to boost their fertility. We have a custom nutritional diet plan for our children. Healthy food habits in childhood and adolescence are one of the major factors for proper growth and development and immunity building, and we understand the significance of adopting a healthy nutrition diet plan from a very young age so that our younger generation will transform into a healthier society.

The following nutrients are important to be included as per the required amount –

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Calories
  • Water

Maintaining a healthy nutritional diet will

  • Increases Energy levels
  • Maintains healthy body weight
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Reduces risk of health problems
  • Improves physical appearance
  • Promotes physical activity
  • Improves mental constitution

Fertility diet for Women trying to get pregnant must:

  • Use Less trans-fat and more monounsaturated fat
  • Use more high-fiber, carbohydrate-rich foods (including whole grains)
  • Use less animal protein and more vegetable protein
  • Include more vegetables with a source of iron
  • Include multivitamins